
What is Healthhawks?

Prospect Infosystem, Inc. is now expanding into the healthcare sector with the creation of new medical software and additional services. One of our new products, Healthhawks, is a website containing educational videos created by local healthcare providers. These videos address what to expect before and after procedures, important discharge instructions and answers to commonly asked questions. The mission for the project is to enable patients and their loved ones to have access to information from local, trusted healthcare providers.

Features of Healthhawks include:

  1. 1. High Quality Videos – healthcare education videos created by local physicians of all specialties consisting of information discussed at the end of patient/physician encounters. Viewers have the ability to watch these videos any number of times.

  2. 2. Discussion Forums – Healthhawks members can post their thoughts and concerns regarding the physician videos or their own medical conditions here. This forum allows for open conversation between members and also enables physicians to respond to any questions that may be posted.

  3. 3. Articles and Publications – these are links to recently published articles or literature that physicians find helpful. Take a look at the information your physician believes to be helpful!